We are proud to be part of Laureates and Prize Winner for UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy 2024

Sokola is the first nonprofit organization in Indonesia which focuses on education
for indigenous peoples and other marginal groups in Indonesia.


1) Butet Manurung as representative of Sokola Institute, received the award in Cameroon , 2) and 3) Official Charter from UNESCO

UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy 2024

With great gratitude, we are pleased to share the wonderful news that Sokola Institute has been selected as one of the winners of the UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy 2024 through our program “Literacy Education for Indigenous Communities in Indonesia.” This prestigious award recognizes Sokola Institute’s outstanding efforts in promoting literacy among indigenous communities through an innovative and integrative approach. This achievement was announced on International Literacy Day in Yaoundé, Cameroon, on Monday, September 9, 2024.

This award affirms that culture is recognized as having a significant contribution to the literacy learning process. We believe that incorporating local language and phonetics in literacy is essential, but embedding indigenous culture into learning is even more crucial. An education process that involves community culture helps create the best version of their educational practices and enhances community determination.

With this award, we hope that there will no longer be cultural and identity discrimination against indigenous and local communities in Indonesia within their educational processes, both within and outside of formal schooling.

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Local language's Based Literacy

Community-led Module

Live-in Volunteers

Community Cadres 


Indigenous Peoples are not powerless or void entities. They possess a set of traditional knowledge and education system that are passed down from the elders to the younger generations. It has been proven that the Indigenous Peoples have been living sustaisdnably and sufficiently for hundreds of years by relying on that traditional knowledge. 

On the other side, they recently need new knowledge to cope with changes (modernity) that are encroaching their living space.

SOKOLA develops education program to help Indigenous Peoples coping with changes, so they could live the life they prefer.